Dina Titus tweeted the following:
"While Im glad to hear progress is being made to free #BritneyGriner, we must not forget about the other U.S. citizens who are being unfairly detained in Russian prisons like Marc Fogel, a teacher of the children of U.S. diplomats."
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Here are other recent tweets from Dina Titus:
"Assault weapons are designed to inflict maximum damage. A bullet fired by one can tear softball-sized wounds into victims. AND they can fire up to 60 rounds per minute. We need to get them off our streets & out of our communities. Today Im voting to pass the #AssaultWeaponsBan."
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"Republicans are playing games with veterans healthcare. Every day the #PACTAct is delayed, veterans get sicker from toxic burn pit exposure. Whats more important for the GOP - supporting our troops or political games? nbcnews.com/politics/congr"
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"No matter who you are or who you love, you deserve to have access to health care without discrimination. I support @HHSGovs proposed rule to strengthen nondiscrimination protections under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act to help make this a reality."
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